About this course

The videos included in this course are recordings of a live class. The instructor is not available for questions or feedback at this time.

Clumsy infodumping is notorious as a red flag of ineffective writing. How does one seamlessly convey crucial story details to readers in fiction while avoiding infodumping? Find out in this workshop taught by author Henry Lien, which will teach students useful tricks to hide infodumps that pack tremendous explicatory firepower but also create a more graceful story. 

Further, though scenecraft is often misunderstood by many prose writers, it is a crucial narrative tool to hone. Scenecraft includes elements such as blocking, visual tableaux, power dynamics, use of negative space, and strategic deletions of sight, sound, ability, or knowledge. Some of the most unforgettable scenes in all of art, e.g., the pain box scene in Dune, draw their power from their scenecraft. This workshop uses examples from various mediums, including painting, film/TV, and games to impart upon attendees an arsenal of techniques to craft memorable stories.

Topics Covered

  • Writing craft

Student Takeaways

  • Students will leave the workshop with an arsenal of practical infodump hiding mechanisms and techniques to make their stories more memorable

Duration of Class

50 minutes

About Henry Lien

Henry Lien is a 2012 graduate of Clarion West. He is the author of the Peasprout Chen middle grade fantasy series. His short fiction has appeared in publications including Asimov’s, Analog, and F&SF, and he is a four-time Nebula/Norton Award finalist. Henry also teaches writing for institutions including UCLA, the University of Iowa, and Clarion West. Henry has previously worked as an attorney and fine art dealer. Born in Taiwan, Henry currently lives in Hollywood. His hobbies include writing and performing campy science fiction/fantasy anthems, and losing Nebula and Norton Awards. Find him at

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